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Delphi resources - VCL and non-API related items

Info field below contains Name / Date / Size with links to file and description field contains some notes about item and screenshots sometime.

Delphi headers (C++Builder compatible)

Info Description

USP - Unicode Complex Script processor.

Uniscribe API headers for Borland Delphi (usp10.pas). These headers actually used/tested in Delphi DirectX9 samples. For example in April 2005 DirectX 9.0 SDK update - code directly using Uniscribe API is located in framework ( archive).

Download it.

Delphi/C++Builder components

Info Description

Delphi6 (now compatible with Delphi7 and up) compatible version of TGifImage component originally developer by Ander Melander's - with corrected drawing of animated GIF's. Please see the TGIFImage home page for links to resources on the WWW.
Component actually support Delphi version starting from Delphi2.

Download it.

Please inform me of any grammar or general errors, contained on these pages, Alexey Barkovoy
Last updated: 31-May-2005